The Benchmark In Bath Luxury
ROSE OTTO OIL/(Roze Ot-to Oil) /n./ 1. Steam-distilled essential oil of rose petals picked at dawn, typically from the Bulgarian damask rose; /n./ 2. Hailed as one of the world’s most expensive essential oils, 30 flowers yield only one drop of its clear, yellowish liquid; /n./ 3. More potent than rose absolute and considered more therapeutic for its antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory capabilities, the oil can promote the healing of wounds, act as a natural cleanser for acne, relieve menstrual cramps and puffy eyes, and generally calm nerves, e.g., “Ease your mind and soothe your skin with Rose Otto Oil.”
Try it: REN Moroccan Rose Otto Sugar Body Polish, $60,
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