Thursday, June 18, 2009

Coca Cola for Silky Skin...WHAT?!!!

Beauty Rating: DIRTY CHEAP ...emphasis on the DIRTY I've been surfing the web again. Doing my usual looking for some useful tips for my readers and relieving my boredom as I try to fall asleep. Well, while doing so I just so happened to came across one of the wackiest beauty tricks I have ever come across....except for the Pepto Bismol as a face mask...if you haven't read that post yet click here it's a shocker.

Well, one woman reported on a site that she just couldn't seem to find a cure for her wickedly dry legs. She said the drugstore brand lotions just weren't cutting it. You know how those brand name lotions can be... :/

Well any who sarcasm aside, she decided to just randomly put Coca Cola in her bottle of unscented lotion to see if that would do the trick. Now, I don't know where she got her PhD in pharmaceuticals from all of a sudden but she claimed that Coca Cola cured her dry skin....hehe I mean there can only be two explanations for this.

1. The unscented lotion she bought was actually Lubriderm (my favorite by the way)

2. Or she put so much Coca Cola in her lotion that her legs became very sticky and she didn't shower for a week....

Well...whatever it is I wouldn't recommend this for a dry skin treatment, but if you've tried everything and just can't seem to find a cure for your extremely dry skin then I guess you can try this hehe. Just try not to let anyone see you do this and make sure you don't end up smelling like the stuff. In all honesty I like Coke...for a refreshing beverage. That's it.

Source:  Dirty Cheap

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