Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Sweat Lipo To Keep You Sure All Summer Long

With the unofficial start of summer upon us, you can expect a few changes to your everyday routine—some good, some less so. Outdoor dining and an overwhelming desire to partake of early-afternoon cocktails should set in soon—as will an increased electric bill from AC abuse and, even worse, excessive sweating. For those of you for whom over-the-counter antiperspirants bring no relief, New York-based plastic surgeon Dr. Elliot Jacobs may have the answer to keeping you dry and happy. He’s been championing “Sweat Lipo” at his Upper East Side office, a new procedure that reduces hyperhidrosis and body odor by removing some of the sweat glands under the armpit. Unlike prescription deodorants or getting a few shots of Botox in the area, axillary curettage suction (as the treatment is referred to by medical professionals) permanently regulates the problem, rather than serving as a temporary fix or perhaps making it impossible to sweat at all. Seeing as how 176 million Americans suffer from this often embarrassing and always inconvenient affliction, knowing that there is a way to be comfortable—and to protect that collection of summer silk blouses—is reassuring. The procedure takes less than one hour, costs about $3,500, and in some cases may be covered by insurance. For more information, call (212) 570-6080.

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